Format: 1523: ung aultre livre en parchemin, escript a la main, couvert de drapt d'or et d'argent, aux armes de Bourgogne et de Madame de Ravastain, de plusieurs remonstrances selon le stille de Jehan Bocace
Adolph of Cleves, lord of Ravenstein, Ownership Confirmed (c. 1485-1492) by Coat of Arms. Ownership Confirmed (c. 1485-1492) by Patron.
Anne of Burgundy, lady of Ravenstein, Ownership Confirmed (c. 1485-1508?) by Coat of Arms. Ownership Confirmed (c. 1485-1508?) by Patron.
Margaret of Austria, duchess of Savoy, Ownership Confirmed (post-1485-1 December 1530) by Inventory.
Mary of Hungary, queen consort of Hungary and Bohemia, Ownership Confirmed (December 1530-18 October 1558) by Inventory.
Debae, Marguerite. La Bibliothèque de Marguerite d'Autriche: Essai de reconstitution d'après l'inventaire de 1523-1524 (Louvain: Peeters, 1995).: 501-04, Item 372